

Uncover & Heal the root cause of your emotional & physical pain so you can be the most badass leader

  • After over a decade in the design and fashion world, I found myself stuck in a cycle of chronic fatigue, constant anxiety, IBS, lost motivation, and a sense that joy had vanished from my life. Somatic Coaching became my beacon of light, guiding me through healing, recovery, and the creation of a freedom-driven creative business that once existed only in my dreams. It allowed me to step into a bigger, more fulfilling role of serving others come back home to themselves through the body.

    Now, I'm on a mission to extend these transformative gifts to you that truly changed my life. You deserve to feel JOY, creativity and the only way to access that is through feeling the emotions you’ve suppressed for years and years to feel enough and seen as strong by the society.

    Let me be your guide in emptying your overflowing bowl of capacity so you can FEEL the anger, the sadness, the grief and the guilt and shame that has kept you from feeling JOY.

    You’re a leader of your life, let’s tap into your greatest potential you deeply know you have.

about ME

I grew up knowing deep in my bones, I wanted to change the world. My childhood was full of chaos growing up in a pretty traumatized family and also in Middle East. I grew up conditioned to believe my anger as a woman was not welcome and that difficult emotions like sadness were a sign of weakness so I kept them in for years and years until I could not anymore. Through different modalities of talk therapy, vipassana meditations, communication courses and a lot of different practices, I started to recover, However, something was still missing from my emotional processing- I consciously understood what was going on with me but always felt like there is a deeper layer I am not exploring as if everything would stay fine for a short amount of time but if I stopped therapy, I’d go back to feeling constant anxiety again. Until I found somatics and Neo Emotional Release. That was when I truly tapped into what it means to process, feel and heal my wounds and emotions in way that was not just a short term relief but a lifetime of sustainable change. That truly changed who I am and how I show up as a leader both in my life and my business. I now live in Toronto in a beautiful partnership with my husband and care for our cat Jasper in a nourishing space where I’ll give you sessions from.

The fundamental work of the Somatic Coach is to guide the person to feel and be with this animating force that makes them alive. This is life moving toward life. While the physical scientists of the seventeenth and eighteenth century asked, “Where are we?” in the universe; and the social scientists of the nineteenth century inquired, “Who are we?” in our relationship to nature and the unconscious; we’re now at a time of history when the question is “How are we?” in our interconnectedness and interdependence with life.

— Richard Strozzi-Heckler



    It all starts by learning how to focus on what you want.


    Next, you’ll reflect on what may be blocking you, and learn how to overcome these obstacles.

  • Refine

    The last step? We learn how to continually refine what we’ve learned. Think of this as your new beginning.

Learn about our services

  • We'll explore a topic in our coaching container and then we dive into a NER session which is blend of precise pressure, vocal guidance and breath to release difficult blockages.

  • During your 1:1 sessions, Rosa will coach you to develop the tools and strategies you need to build confidence, get clarity on the impact you were brought to earth to make, feel safe and abundant leaving your 9-5 and start your own soul-led impactful business in just 9- days.

  • During these sessions, we'll work together to create the systems and foundations you need to start your own creative business (only offered to previous 1:1 clients)


  • Before working with Rosa, I was very doubtful of my decisions and I felt very confused by the thought of the future. Working with Rosa brought me the direction and clarity I needed to see what is lying ahead if I listen deeply to all of my emotions and desires even the ones I used to ignore or put a lid on. Rosa guided me to find the courage to look ahead and start seeing what I wanted my life to look like and take aligned actions to get there. As a result of working with Rosa. I feel more attuned to my dreams and now have a pathway to get there with clarity. I feel calm and peaceful looking ahead whereas before I always felt confused and anxious and exhausted. I have more energy and feel confident to make it all happen for myself.

    Fardis, Nurse & Singer

  • The day to day life had led me to become disassociated from my emotions and I felt lost and burnt out from work. I did not know what the future looked like anymore. Coaching with Rosa helped me to gain the confidence I needed to find creative solutions and get out of the rut into living my dreams. I now feel more equipped to see my purpose. Our sessions felt like meeting deeper parts of myself in a safe space every week. I feel like creative souls lose their connection to their own voice in our today's world and Rosa provides a space for you to find your truth again.

    Shabnam, Content Creator & Photographer

  • When I started coaching with Rosa, I was in a crisis of wanting to quit my job and I could not see any hope to find something that felt aligned to my aspirations. Our work together built the courage for me to quit and understand what I actually wanted. Rosa is a persistent coach who will shine light on your path and sometimes even take your hand so you don't feel alone in the dark. After a few months of working with Rosa, I can see the very clear results of it in the way I take actions, communicate and how I approach my days less from the head and more from my heart.

    Fahimeh, Visual Facilitator

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